Modern Slavery/Anti Human Trafficking

Enrolled: 0 students
Lectures: 6
Level: Intermediate


Over Watch offers accredited training to people and organisations who may encounter victims and survivors of modern slavery. We offer short basic awareness training as well as longer, in-depth courses on modern slavery for practitioners and professionals.

This includes: 2-hour basic awareness; or half-day accredited courses.

We offer specialised training for professions/disciplines (e.g., police, social work, housing, healthcare) in skill-based training for trauma-informed case reporting and in trauma-informed listening around modern slavery.

Over Watch Modern Slavery Training is particularly relevant for anyone involved in policing and law enforcement; central or local government; healthcare and social work; or non-governmental work in the community, such as food banks, drop-in centres, community organisations and outreach, and those working with vulnerable people.

The training addresses key learning outcomes for those working in the modern slavery sector. We explain what modern slavery is and identify the different types that exist and how to recognise the signs and indicators. This foundational knowledge is applied into trauma-informed skill sets training whether that is for case reporting or listening to a disclosure. This ensures an appropriate professional response empower the human rights of victims/survivors of modern slavery/human trafficking.

Starting Course

Nvidia New Technologies Slides
Engine Target Audience
Quiz: Mobile / Native Apps

After Intro

Realistic Graphic on UE4
Volta GPU for optimization.
Deep Learning