What is Penetration Testing?
Penetration testing, (also known as pen testing or ethical hacking), is where a security
testing company attempts to access and compromise your network, system, and application
security by replicating the actions of a real-world hacker. Our qualified penetration testers
use a combination of automated tools and manual processes to uncover vulnerabilities and
misconfigurations that could present a cyber-security risk.
As a technical exercise, pen testing involves an internal & external analysis of your IT
infrastructure and applications, as well as testing human elements through social
engineering. Pen testing is a fundamental component of your risk management programme.
What are the benefits of Penetration Testing?
By testing your security, penetration testing helps you avoid data breaches and demonstrate a commitment to security for new and existing customers. Pen testing also enables your business
to prove your security standards to customers, stakeholders, and supply chain partners, and manage risks as part of a compliance frameworks. It's never too early to start booking in for a penetration test with our team of ethical hacking experts.
Which Penetration Testing should I buy?
We offer a variety of pen tests which can be delivered as one-offs to spot check your
security, or on a recurring basis as part of an on-going security strategy. The exact type of
penetration test you require will depend on your security objectives and compliance needs,
and we may recommend combined testing – such as a mix of web application and
infrastructure testing – to ensure we meet your goals.